a permanent point for peace

propagation of messages of peace and non-violence to the whole world by means of INFORMATION (dis)CHARGES

a living sculpture of peace

a living platform of peace relationships implemented through net links
originating and spreading from Gandhi’s statue

preamblePREAMBOLO >>>


confluenze artistiche

22/09/2009 >> Invito all’opera:

Dear Friends,

having read the invitation letter to
The Wandering Cemetery and The Sad Smoky Mountains once again I realize that writing an incisive invitation letter to the action is somewhat extraordinary, like the action you are invited to. I mean by this is that writing or the action itself are not easy or to be taken for granted.

I am going to try one more time, seeking help from suggestions and telling the anecdotes which originated this new idea of mine.
In the meantime I had already started working with some friends to make my past actions grow. I call this ‘operationism’, i.e. civil action and work of art merged into one another.

The location of the action is, once again, Vicenza, my hometown, where we experience a common need among townspeople for a brand new turn of the events following the disappointment caused by the gloomy events connected to the construction of the new military base.
Indeed, I wish to call that ‘established illegality’, just to put this fact into a legitimate abstraction that everybody can understand, even the people who support the base. I repeat: disappointment, torpor, bewilderment, following the establishment of a widespread illegality.
I believe this ‘shapeless shape’ of imperialism that has swallowed last century ideologies is really curious indeed.

Let’s go back to the story. No doubt in these years Vicenza has become a landmark for peace and civil rights. Many facts support this evidence, especially the extraordinary civil struggle carried out by thousands of citizens in order to oppose the militarization of their own land. But what I am also well aware of, is that the actions taken by the masses are not enough to change the events. Taking this as an hypothesis, it becomes necessary to study new strategies and be committed on different levels, getting rid of half-measures.
This is the only way to change things and to unmask the falsehood and half-truths of the Power (I am talking about the ‘possibilities’ each of us has). In other words, we need a cultural shock in order to make things change at all levels, otherwise “September’s here again” – compensations step in. We should never forget that the today’s crisis is first of all a cultural crisis, a crisis regarding present-day life-paths, experiences, cultural habits.
We therefore need that something new could be brought to the Town, not only in terms of economy, particularly if this fosters war industries that manufacture weapons and cause destruction. As we were saying among friends, we need to build something that can make it overt the bent of Vicenza for peace and culture, as it appears in the UNESCO Heritage. Not a bent for military bases. A far-sighted cultural path. Many people are working on it.

It happens that – due to this bent for peace – the Town gets a statue of Gandhi as a gift from the Consulate of India – on the 140th anniversary of Gandhi’s birth.
“A statue ? What are we going to do with a statue? and where are we going to put it?” some of my close friends asked. “ You, Alberto, that has made the statue of Palladio talk (The Sad Smoky Palladio), why aren’t you making this new statue talk or else work out something other than the usual, easily forgotten inauguration?”

On that day I was heading home trying to concentrate my thoughts on what was tying myself to Gandhi. When I got home I went to look for a book which I hadn’t opened for 20 years, in a special section of my personal bookcase called ‘books with documents’, the title being “Antiche come le montagne” (As old as the mountains, original title: All men are brothers). And I travelled many mountains in my lifetime.

I blew the dust away. I opened it, I was very curious. I opened it on page 68 (Saggi Mondadori, 1987 2nd edition), carried away as I was by a vivid curiosity. There, a bookmark captured my attention and highlighted a sentence, a teaching that I have not forgotten since then. The bookmark was my Paper of discharge from the army.  The underlined sentence read: “the only possession is non-possession”.

After that I shut my eyes and imagined the wide area of Campo Marzo in Vicenza  the same as I now want to do with you. Dusk is approaching, 400 flickering screens reflect their peculiar light. Behind, at the back, Gandhi’s statue which is the focal point of an array of 400 school-desks and chairs arranged according to a precise lay-out, all of them facing Monte Berico. Then, when the evening light is coming, hundreds of people start taking a seat. On their screens they are ready to receive several different kinds of messages of peace, written, conceived and sent out from that very focal point which is neither dead nor still, but alive and dynamic, as if it was a teacher who invites his/her students to take action. We then see rising an extreme appeal to the International Right, to UNESCO, that from computer to computer, thanks to the exponential strength injected into the web by the modern social networks and from net-mailing, spreads out to every corner of the planet, generating information charges, originated by that only place, our Town, a permanent, enduring, unceasing site of peace. Finally, a music springs from a multitude of digital voices that make up the work of art, voices that breathe between one message and another like they were breaths of wonder.

I dreamt of Vicenza in this way, a town under a new dim light of a multitude of multi-coloured screens. Vicenza, “Una sola moltitudine” (
One only multitude, original title: A Little Larger Than the Entire Universe), to recall the title of the book by Pessoa that I love best or, as a tribute to Paul Hawken, “Una moltitudine inarrestabile” (An unstoppable multitude, original title: Blessed Unrest).

Vicenza, “one only unstoppable multitude” to stop present-day injustices. One only unstoppable multitude that becomes alive once again from the very field where we laid-out our crosses of The Wandering Cemetery two years ago. A Wandering Cemetery coming down from our Highlands in order not to forget the voices of the youths and civilians that lost their lives in wars. Voices that relive here to regain the space of ether that the injustice of the wars has stolen.

I am closing this invitation quoting the words of a collaborator of mine, a philosopher, Stefano Bellanda: “I am very skeptical about mass movements but I am somewhat optimistic about net movements”. So am I.
What we are doing won’t be easily cancelled, especially in the hearts of the participants.
Summing it up, Peace is a net.
Truth and non-violence are as old as the mountains.

I’m waiting for you all on 3rd October
Alberto Peruffo [ Italy ]

P.S. It is possible to participate even from your home/office/computer stand or be a simple supporter, by spreading the message at the same arranged time or postponed, following days after  3rd October, as soon as you'll entry on your computer.

Subscribe you immediately here !

 projectPROGETTO >>


propagation of messages of peace and non-violence to the whole world by means of
a permanent point for peace

a living sculpture of peace

a living platform of peace relationships implemented through net links originating and spreading from Gandhi’s statue


conceived by Alberto Peruffo
directed by Stefano Bellanda
urban design and soundscape by citizeno ff  i c e \ amsterdam 
coordinated by Antersass Confluenze Artistiche

supported by
Tavolo della Consultazione - - - Comune di Vicenza

Campo Marzo, Vicenza
SATURDAY 3rd OCTOBER from 6.35 p.m. to 8.35 p.m.
[ the sun sets at 6.53 p.m. and reaches its astronomical twilight at 8.31 p.m.]

Narrative synthesis of
Let’s figure out Mahatma Gandhi, not just as a mere statue, sitting in front of his loom. A net weaver interlocking threads spreading over the entire planet. The threads are hardly visible yet solid and beyond control like today’s communication nets connecting the entire world population sitting in front of their terminals. The people listen to the master’s message, share it and move their first step forward from their stand so as to start out on the announced path of peace. Peace is a net. M.G. satisfied, thoughtful and statuesque, raises his glance from his loom. In front of him stretches the wide heavy militarized plain of Vicenza, beyond are the highlands, sad and smoking.
He exclaims: “Truth and non-violence are as ancient as the mountains”.

Operating synthesis of opera-azione
On the International Day of Non-violence, which matches with the 140th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday, as well as with the start of the World March of Peace from New Zealand, a work of net-composition will come alive. This will consist of hundreds of computers placed on schools desks, positioned around Gandhi’s statue and connected one to the other, each of them being a starting point for a second-level net. They will launch a peace message from Vicenza to the entire world, from Vicenza the most militarized, yet not-at-war, town in the whole world and they will inaugurate Gandhi’s statue on net-vision.

Aim of opera-azione
The aim of it is to invite everybody, actors, spectators, Italian citizens and people from other countries, international Parliaments and Commissions to reflect upon the specific feature of a town, belonging to the UNESCO World Heritage sites which should for its very nature nurture the development of peace and culture, not host new military bases. According to the innovative concept of the project called New Art Pax Symphosium which features this first opera-azione, we aim at achieving a social and artistic event which highlights its three fundamental components: peace, art and new technologies, that is to say a long-lasting and progressive project that could make Vicenza a national and international landmark for peace, a place where peace and the new technologies flow into one another and merge in the way peace requires them to do in order to be able to deal constructively with the world’s ‘strong powers’ and traditional mass-media. The opera-azione is a contemporary hymn to the international right and to the man that best represents the civil struggle in defence of human rights, Mohandras Karamchand Gandhi, the Mahatma (the great soul), master of peace and non-violence.

Ways of implementation of the opera-azione
Around the statue a transmission/reception set will be installed (an invisible aerial) which will enable to build a wireless net through which hundreds of portable computers on the square will be intra-connected (first-level connection) and inter-connected (second-level connection). The people who are close to the statue will be connected one to the other and to the entire world as well.

On this occasion messages of peace will be launched from Vicenza after being typed on the main keyboard and this will reach out to the entire world simultaneously.
The persons who will be asked to type in the messages will be important citizens, protagonist of civil battles, after or during the inauguration of the statue.
The persons who will physically send out the message pressing on the ‘enter’ key will be personages who have contributed to build iPeace, the biggest social peace network in the world.
Twenty thousand (20,000 !) computers of the world’s net will get the message written in Vicenza and will spread it worldwide on to the subsequent net levels. The same message will be activated by the hundreds of computers connected to the site which will be purposely chosen for the event itself ( which will welcome Gandhi’s statue) triggering off a whole lot of unforeseeable and uncontrollable Information, and establishing a net of relations with the aim of reaching out far and wide thanks to the progressive networks and related aggregators (newsletter, mailing list, blog, social network…) chosen by the single operators. A sort of Information Technology sculpture originated from the words of the message and supported by the connections that, even though not perceived by our senses, will create a real physical reality and paradoxically a plastic one. A search for a common meaning/sense.

Therefore, it will not only be a simple statue but an upSTANDINGnetPOINT of PEACE, a living sculpture of relations communicating peace, a strong and propositional  point of view “standing point”, “upstanding” because inherited from history, a permanent net of peace “standing net”, that sends out Gandhi’s thought over the planet.

All operators will be given a set of operating instructions for the opera-azione
[ the message expects approximately a sequence of 7 segments ] together with a special institutional list to be shared with their contacts in order to forward the message to the Italian and European Parliaments, the National and International UNESCO Boards and Commissions and relating Committees, on to the US White House.

Time-trial of the opera-azione will be the NotYetAtWar, NetSymphony For 400 PeaceOperators, a Citizens' Soundscape, a live-electronic symphony for four hundred computers and network composed for this occasion, conducted by the direction and performed for the first time by standing operators. An innovative musical notation on multiples sampling will facilitate the implementation and involvement of all participants.

At the end of the action-performance a wireless connection will remain working and interactive and textual loops and videocompositions  will be studied  for a likely future broadcasting of the content on ‘perpetual cycles’ which could be entered on the original platform named

Technical notes for the participants

Meeting at Campo Marzo between 5.30 p.m. and 6 p.m.
Each participant should:
/ be registered to the platform [ free registration yet subject to approval by the directing team ]
/ have an operating set
[ 1 laptop + procedure set communicated after registration ] functioning properly, self-sufficient and independent energy-wise [ portables should rely on a full load of power ]
/ arrive punctually at the time/place given by the directing team [ at the school desk where the individual net point will be arranged ]
/ study and follow the procedures outlined in the upSTANDINGnetPOINT [ will be published on the platform/network as soon as available ].

Credits & disclaimer
Concept and general direction >> Alberto Peruffo
Net director and technical direction >> Stefano Bellanda
Urban design and soundscape >> citizeno ff  i c e \ amsterdam 
Artistic coordination
>> Antersass Confluenze Artistiche





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Marcia Mondiale
15/09 - 8/11/2009

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supported by Tavolo della Consultazione - - - Comune di Vicenza

Marcia Mondiale per la Pace e la Nonviolenza

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Antersass Confluenze Artistiche